Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Trading Places

My Dear Husband has been doing his best to take care of me since I was diagnosed with NSIP back in 2010. He makes sure I get to the doctor, have the equipment and meds I need to deal with my oxygen issues and lovingly supports me in every way.

I'm a lucky girl and I know it. But at the same time, it's hard to always be on the receiving end of caregiving.

So when the DH needed knee surgery, I was finally able to return the favor. I could monitor his meds and pain issues. Did he need some ice to bring down the swelling? Another Advil? A hand with a sponge bath?

I jumped at the chance to help. (And not just with the sponge baths!)

It felt good to take care of him for a change. Jesus was right. It really is more blessed to give than to receive.

He's completely recovered from his surgery now, back to doing all the activities he enjoyed before he went under the knife, and trying out a few new ones. In fact, today, he's kayaking for the first time! I can't wait to hear how he enjoyed it!

And in the meantime, I've got a roast on for when he gets back and I'm always looking for ways to continue to take care of him. It feels good.

In fact, it's sort of the main theme of my upcoming book, The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club. This stealthy group of do-gooders understand that the best way to get your mind off your own problems is to help someone else with theirs.

So, no matter what your health situation, I encourage you to look for ways to help and take care of those around you. Sometimes, even a kind word, a promise of prayer or a listening ear is enough of a blessing to lift someone else's spirit.

And your own...

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