Saturday, February 18, 2017

Medical Advice We Call All Live With

from Lexi Eddings...

Years ago a dear friend of mine was diagnosed with liver cancer. He asked his doctor what he should do. The disease was too advanced for chemo, so the doc advised him to "do everything you want to do this summer."

I told my friend that was a good prescription for everyone. None of us know how many trips around the sun we'll get. Carpe diem--Seize the Day--is my mantra.

Carpe diem involves being intentional about my day. It means I take time to appreciate the view from my back deck. I look for ways to show my family and friends that I love them. I get down on the floor and play with my silly dogs.

Carpe diem means spending part of my day on meaningful work. Happily, I've just been offered 2 new writing contracts with Kensington, my publisher, so I definitely have work to do. But bear in mind that "work" doesn't have to be something you're paid to do. A friend of mine has a real ministry keeping tabs on several of her distant friends by being available for long phone calls and crafting special gifts for people she loves.

Carpe diem is also about taking care of myself. This means walking on the treadmill because when I do it consistently, my lung function is better. If walking is impossible for you, I suggest you find a chair-based exercise regimen. Movement is life.

Carpe diem means spending time feeding my spirit. This year I've set a goal to read the entire Bible. In years past, I got bogged down in the minor prophets and gave up. This year, I read Hosea through Malachi first. Now I'm in the gospels. After that, I'll spend time in Genesis. By hopping around, I feel like I'll finally make it all the way through. I won't claim to understand it all, but at least the words and ideas will become part of who I am. Whatever your faith, take time to make it part of your day.

And even though Carpe diem is all about today, I'm a firm believer in making plans for the future as well. Since travel makes me happy, we've got several trips already planned for this year and a big one for 2018 (more about that later!) I find that having something special to look forward to tomorrow makes me happier today.

Wishing you a day that's all you hoped it would be,

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